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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Easily Distracted by Shiny Objects

Hello there — I'm Christine Pope, and, as the title of this intro post indicates, I have a tendency to chase after the new shiny thing. This could be because I'm an Aquarius, or it might be because I'm a magpie. If it sparkles, it's definitely going to catch my attention (which may be why I'm wearing sparkly nail polish as I write this). And this is probably also the reason why I've spread my writing efforts among nine different series, although you'll be happy to know that more than half of them are completed, and two more will be getting their final books in the next few months. So, in general, I do finish what I start. I may or may not have made this my personal goal after getting burned by a few authors in the past. <cough Robert Jordan cough>

I'd say most people probably know me through my witch books — The Witches of Cleopatra Hill and The Witches of Canyon Road — although I have several other paranormal romance series, including The Djinn Wars and Project Demon Hunters. I've also written a science fiction romance series (Gaian Consortium) and a fantasy romance series (Tales of the Latter Kingdoms), but I've been focusing on PNR pretty much exclusively for the past few years.

As a child, I always had my nose buried in a book, and I always hoped that one day I'd be a full-time writer. I feel very lucky to be living in a time when that's been made more and more possible, thanks to the indie publishing revolution that's taken place over the past decade. My first three books were actually published by a small press, but in 2011, I decided to take the leap as an indie writer, and I haven't looked back.

I grew up in Southern California and spent most of my adult life there, but my husband and I moved to Arizona about six years ago, mostly because we were tired of the SoCal rat race and wanted to try something different. We also spent a couple of years in Santa Fe, New Mexico, before returning to Arizona in mid-2018. Most of my series are set in places I've either lived or visited — Sedona for my Sedona Files series, Santa Fe and Taos, New Mexico, for my Djinn Wars series, the tiny, funky town of Jerome, Arizona, for The Witches of Cleopatra Hill.

One of my favorite things to do is take day trips to scout locations for books or series — in fact, my husband and I just went out earlier this week to take a peek at Globe, a former mining town in central Arizona that'll be the setting for an upcoming series. Another favorite pastime is visiting local wineries and sampling their wares. (There's a lot of wine in my forewarned!)

Otherwise, I'm a nerdy girl with a shoe obsession who met her husband through playing D&D and who's lucky enough to be married to her best friend. No doubt my awesome husband is part of the reason why I'm so happy to be writing romance, although — last time I checked, anyway — he isn't a djinn or a wizard or a vampire, just a guy who loves to trade movie quotes with me and is always up for a new adventure.

I generally release around ten books a year, give or take. If you want to learn more about any of them, you can visit my website...or my Facebook page or Facebook readers' group. Thanks for dropping by! 

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