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Monday, January 20, 2020

Introducing Myself—Diana Pharaoh Francis

Hello everyone!

I'm so delighted to meet you! I'm new here to Urban Fantasy Fiends, so I figure I'd better tell you some things you should know about me.

1. I am a dog person. Kind of a rabid corgi person, really, plus I have a heeler. I have an 11 year old corgi boy named Voodoo, a 1.5 year old corgi boy names Crowley, and a 1.5 year old blue heeler named Merlin. (Are you sensing a naming theme)?

2. I am that dog person who takes tons of pictures of them, talks to them, obeys them, and generally spoils them rotten. Incidentally, I do love kitties, too, but my husband is more allergic to them than doggies, and since he's got allergy-induced asthma, we avoid that. I have to get a kitty fix when I go to other people's houses.

3. I knit. Ish. I'm pretty good at some things, and have just now had to rip out the beginnings of one project about six times. Somehow I'm doing something wrong. But to quote Colin Firth, I will conquer this. Pardon me if I don't open my shirt and dive into a lake at this juncture. No one wants to see that. Tonight I try again. But this time I'm going to do the smart thing and put in a life line like I should have before but decided that this time I wouldn't need it. Famous last words.

4.  I write Urban Fantasy, traditional fantasy, and I'm working up some romantic suspense. You can read chapters and see more on my website if you are so inclined. I would be delighted if you did. Watch out, though, the puppies leave toys everywhere.

5. I'm married with a HS kid and a college kid. My entire family are smartasses. We like to play tabletop games, and lately have been playing Dominion and Splendor, both of which are very fun.

6. I grew up on a cattle ranch, and I've lived in CA, IA, IN, MT, and OR. Of them all I like OR the best. MT was great, but winter was looooooong.

7. I used to be a tenured professor in Montana, but dropped the golden handcuffs and moved to OR. I now write full time, with a part-time gig teaching in the SNHU MFA program. I love to teach and mentor and etc., so it give me joy.

8. I love to bake bread. I grind my own wheat, which probably makes me super weird, but you should know that's not really what makes me super weird. I've got so much more weird going on than that.

9. I have a super morbid sense of humor. Gallows humor. This comes out a lot in my books. They tend to be snarky, gritty, romantic, and fun. Sometime I cackle madly when I write. Be warned.

10. I love chai. Starbucks chai, not most others. My order is venti chai tea latte, seven pumps, non fat, no water, no foam, super extra extra hot. However, I've discovered I can make a better one at home with milk, Extra Spicy Oregon Chai concentrate, and Tazo skinny chai concentrate. It's soooooo good. Also, I have never been able to like coffee, but have been making mochas at home with a stovetop esspresso maker, and I'm liking those. Maybe one day I can drink actual coffee.

I don't know if those are the top 10 things to know, but they are certainly 10 things to know. And now, I want to include pictures.

On top, you have Voodoo. On the bottom, Merlin and Crowley. Voodoo hates the puppies and snaps and snarls at them. Except when they are outside.  Then they have fun together. This was a recent trip to the snow, the puppies' first time. Voodoo, of course, lived in Montana, so he's got snow experience.

I suppose I should maybe share a book cover or two, just so you can tell something about what I write.

Again, you can read chapters and learn more on my website, plus there are some free stories there for your enjoyment. Thanks for reading this far, folks!

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